Welcome to Eagle Feather Riding, where heart and soul come together. Our philosophy
for this company and the meaning behind the logo is what guides our ways.
Eagle feathers are sacred because the eagle flies closest to the heavens and are
associated with spiritual power. We believe the very act of horsemanship has spiritual
connections in many ways. The eagle has great vision and can see clearly over great
distances. This is our vision for Eagle Feather Riding, to be far sighted and always
looking ahead.
The hoop that surrounds the Arabian horse head stands for the great cirle of life.
We believe life is a circle, what you put out there comes back to you. The natives
call this circle of life the “Sacred Hoop”. They believe the Sacred Hoop encompasses
the cycles of all things and joins them together so that all energy is in balance.
This is how we dream of riding, in balance and as one.
We would like to take the opportunity to work with you or your child. It is privilege
for us to teach people to ride and watch the bond that grows between a horse and
rider. We look forward to a meaningfull relationship as we grow together.
We have regular children and adult lessons running throughout the week between September
and June. The summer months are camps and other events. Our focus is to to teach
you how to become united with a horse, understanding what they are and how they behave.
It is a complete experience including horse care, how to groom and feed, as well
as how to communicate, lead and ride as one with the horse.
All lessons are taught bareback, without saddles, to help you feel and understand
the horse better.
Contact Information
Vickie Tait
Calgary, Alberta
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