Saturday, August 2, 2014


**Thank you for all your support this year. I am completed booked up until spring. If you would like to book a spot for April please let me know and I will book you in. Spots fill up fast! **

Sacking out, de-spooking, trailering, ground work, basic riding. 

Young horses will be taught basic commands,
-ground manners
-standing tied
-and learning to carry a rider. 

Horses will be ponied on trails and river rides and worked inside when necessary. They will be exposed to as much as possible to make them the safest horse. 

Video and picture updates regularly for those who can't come out.


***STARTING HORSES UNDER 5 WILL BE $500 a month - includes board. 

HORSES OVER 5, OR DISRESPECTFUL, OR CRAZY, OR JUST PLAIN DANGEROUS WILL BE $600 a month and 2 months minimum (depending on progress)

Please remember after 30 or even 60 days, your horse is still considered green!

See my website at for more info and videos or

References available


******money back guarantee***** 

Contact Information
XL Horse Training
Darla Connolly
403-934-0008 home
403-837-6835 cell
Strathmore, Alberta


  1. Hi there I'm sorry I never got back to you I have been really busy !
    My boy is doing Awesome! I'm very happy with his progress he's a totally different horse! We were riding him a couple weeks ago and another horse charged at him an kicked him pretty hard and he didn't even freak out! Thank you for putting the work into him!

  2. YOu need to tell the pay ppl to train for you!...

  3. IF any smart horse person takes the time to watch your "training" ability they will know you have no place calling yourself a trainer. You have no right making the vulnerable and unknowing think you are because people can get hurt.

    1. and animals can get hurt. the posted scam report shows you have no care or concern for the breeding of animals so it is hard to believe you would have any for any animal.


  5. Hello. Lynn Shane Morash.
    Yes I do pay people to come and ride for me. Which is common practice when you have multiple horses. I also have a second person on hand for safety reasons. Your report here shows a thread about breeding dogs. I'm not sure how that ties into training horses. And inbreeding is not actually abuse. I myself wouldn't do it because I look for outside breeding lines to strengthen my own. Funny how you had to search my name on the internet to find out something about me, seeing that you dont actually know me or have never seen me with a horse. And its really funny that thats the only thing you could find!!! I will let my references speak for themselves. I have some very strong people in the horse world who know what I am capable of. Do you? I didnt think so. Oh and I can still be a scammer, a liar and an inbreeder but still turn out an awesome horse!! :)

    1. I am not Lynn but wondering why your pages dont allow for reviews? Just as the below states I am sure you can find anyone to support you . You could find people to support bullying so not sure that says much..

  6. I am not Lynn Shane Morash but I am someone who has been watching what has been transpiring since you created a Gofundme page that you started looking for funds to adopt a wild horse because, as you state in the page yourself, your reasons for being "broke" and unable to afford it.
    As someone who does not support bullies, someone who is very familiar with good horsemen and training practices, someone who also raised an eyebrow about your inability to fund purchase of an animal and must say that I do not support your attacking the creator of the page Save Scarlet the Mustang and all Mustangs' daughter.
    It is apparent that you and your friends have stopped at nothing to destroy and hurt the people who made a page of concern for all Mustangs.

    Horrible disgusting proof of this is a Rip Off Report made on a reputable, highly supported, young up and coming trainer Sara Spiller. I invite anyone to go look at the bullying this obviously malicious fake report shows.

    I would not recommend anyone be associated with anyone who will allow the link to such a page on their own page as shown on Scarlet the Mustang. The fact that you yourself have said this young girl is a great horseman and then you can go allow this link on your page is proof that you are part of this. This is a support of obvious bullying on this report.
    Young people have a right to make a name for themselves in this world and not be victim to adults pettiness just because they are related to one of the creators of the page you and your friends are obviously mad at.
    You and your associates need to look at who you are and really think about the long rope you have placed around your neck to hang yourself with.
    I recommend anyone to go hire this young reputable trainer who is victim of some adult bullies to show the world is still a good place and wont support such people as this one and her associates.. It is the only way we can rid ourselves of these types of actions. All this innocently harmed reputable trainer you SHOULD hire has had her contact info posted on the false Rip Off Report.

  7. My last sentence should have read - all of you's should think about not supporting this bully and hire this reputable young trainer her and her associates have smeared. These people have posted all her info for the world to see on that Rip Off Report. Who does this? shaking my head

  8. I am not Lynn and I will say that due to what I have read I dont think I would want to be involved with someone who would promote bullying in any format.

  9. Hey "Tex" funny how the only 2 people I've seen actually use "you's" are you and Wendy.
    How many training horses does this reputable trainer have? And, this supposedly innocent young girl was happily posting derogatory comments about other people's riding abilities.

  10. questions:
    1.If your page of concern was for all mustangs why was it named Save scarlet and why was my picture stolen and used as the cover photo? WENDY ??? WHY??? And why were 6 pages created with my pictures and information? BECAUSE FACEBOOK KEPT SHUTTING YOU DOWN! Thats why!
    2.Why were the other people who used gofundme to buy mustangs not targeted?
    even after they asked for MORE MONEY AND FOOD TO BUY ANOTHER> wheres the concern for them???
    3. Why on earth would someone other than the mother of Sara Spiller make such a fuss over this?? NO wonder she's such a mess. She has to live with you.
    4. why do you keep saying your questions weren't answered when you never ASKED ANY! all you did was make false statements and accusations you know nothing about.
    5. why is it that anyone who asked YOU a question got blocked and deleted from your one man group?
    6. Why is it the only reference your daughter SARA can come up with is a friend from HIGH SCHOOL????
    7. Why did she have NO REFERENCES or comments on her page until AFTER she was questioned? Then all of a sudden 20 of her friends post how great she is! NOT ONE PERSON SHE TRAINED FOR.

    I have a receipt showing I purchased the mustang. In my name and she was brought to my house!
    Where I got the money from is none of your business. What I do with her is none of your business. NONE AT ALL. If I want to cut off all 4 of her legs and make soup I can!!!

    My page allows for reviews from people I have actually trained for. NOT MY FRIENDS
    Just so you know I have over 200 pages of documents supporting my action against you and all your bullying. You have played the victim for the LAST TIME. GAME OVER! I will not be harassed, threatened, followed or slandered by you anymore. Nor will my friends.
    You need to go back to school and learn how to speak so we dont all know its you and by the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You's IS NOT A WORD!
    I am not a coward and hide behind fakes names and images on the internet like you.
    oh and I'd be careful what I post and who I tell things to, you cant trust anyone these days :)

  11. Interesting how Tex Rouster has only been on blogger since of March 2015. Speaking of bullying, you are using the same tactics to shame this lady's name and business that you all edge she has done to others.

    I would like to know how many years this young lady you speak of has in saddle?
    How many happy customers does this young lady have backing her up?
    And what she does to educate herself to further her career in horse training? (ie attending horse clinics, shows, and the like)

  12. oh and the rip off report about me has absolutely nothing to do with horses.. It was written by another person exactly like yourself who got made when things didnt go her way :) and it OR YOU will not affect me in the slightest.

  13. Darla Connolly is literally an amazing horse trainer ! If you have a horse that needs training on any level I highly recommend her. She is extremely helpful , welcoming of questions , and actually includes the owners in the training process if wanted. Adam Shaw and I are so happy with the results and we feel much safer with her direction and training, and her prices are beyond resonable.

  14. Darla is an amazing horse trainer. Her patience and knowledge is what makes her so very good at what she does. I would recommend Darla at XL Ranch Horse to anyone who needs to get their horse started in the right direction. I appreciate everything she has done for Teddy and I. Thank you Darla you ROCK!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.
