Friday, November 14, 2014


Equestrian O Training has an engaging program suitable for all equines of all disciplines from all history to help encourage success. Every horse is assessed in a free consultation to ensure they each have individual goals for both them, and their riders. Horse back riding is an extreme sport to where you must take in both the needs and limitations of a horse, and the goals of an aspiring rider. EOT works with both the horse and rider to ensure every need is met, and always keeps the animals best interest in mind.

The program with EOT is versatile. Every horse during the assessment is analyzed with attention to detail. After the consultation the horse and trainer will sit down and discuss goals and expectations. Afterwards, the program will be modified and adjusted. This program is unique because there is no time guarantee, which in some minds is a positive and a negative. EOT believes in working with the horse at a consistent pace to where the horse learns the most, and succeeds the most. This means it could take between 2-5 months depending on the goals and expectations of the rider.

EOT takes pride in offering services such as starting, greening, and finishing. Every service takes its own amount of time which will then be differed by the goals and expectations of a rider. All of these services have different ranges of prices. A sliding scale is available to select few clients.

Please feel free to get ahold of EOT via cell phone or email. More information can be provided.
Equestrian O Training

Contact Information
Taylor Osedowsky
Ft Saskatchewan, Alberta

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